Survivors still live in a mental prison long after they've left the physical confines of childhood sexual exploitation - help set them free

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Warrior Bride provides a holistic and biblically guided approach to restoration and healing for trauma survivors. We understand that each individual’s  journey is unique, and our goal is to offer personalized strategies that remove obstacles for inner healing to be complete. We equip survivors including men, women and children with the necessary skills to overcome trauma stemming from exploitation, physical and mental abuse, and other dangers.

Adolescent females are sold for sex every night in Georgia
0 m
Estimated amount of money spent on child sex in the USA
Men estimated to purchase sex in Georgia every month

our approach - holistIc healing

emotional Health

Healing the devastating effects of childhood sexual trauma emotionally is a journey of one layer at a time. Trauma becomes well rooted in many aspects of our life and each response, thought pattern and habit must be looked at, addressed, and corrected. Emotional healing sets your mind free.

spiritual growth

We are spirit beings first and foremost, so spiritual growth is a primary component of healing from complex trauma. Introducing clients to the ultimate Healer, the only one capable of restoring their spirit to its original potential, is our number one goal. Having a true spiritual foundation is key.

physical discipline

We often overlook the physical toll that childhood sexual exploitation can take on a survivor’s body. From untreated injuries to poor hygiene and malnutrition, the body keeps the score of every abuse it’s ever handled. We take a naturopathic approach to finding homeostasis in the body.


If you are being exploited or know someone who is, please call now.

ready to heal?

If you are a survivor of childhood sexual exploitation and are ready to start your healing journey book an appointment now! all services are free of charge.

Contact Info


PO Box 3176, Marietta GA 30060

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We're Ready, Let's Talk.