Request an Appointment.
New Client Instructions
Complete the client portal sign up form. You do NOT need to put a preferred name unless it is different from your first name.
You must complete your intake paperwork for us to call and schedule your appointment.
If you are on a computer, you may click forms at the top and complete your intake form. DO NOT fill the form out on your phone as it will not save. If you are not on the computer now, when you return to your client portal, please use the existing client link. If this appointment is for a minor, do not complete the forms in your portal as specific ones will be sent for children.
When completing your intake form, if you are unable to save it, please scroll up and look for fields highlighted in red. They must be completed before your form can be submitted.
Someone will call you to schedule your initial appointment. Please allow 2 hours for your initial appointment, uninterrupted without any children present. Please note all appointments are in Eastern Standard Time and calculate your time zone accordingly.
You will receive a text confirmation 2 days before your appointment, please make sure to confirm so your appointment is not given to someone on our waiting list.
While we do not charge anything for our services, you will be required to give a $25 credit card authorization to hold your appointment slot after two missed appointments without 24-hour notice.
For all online appointments, you will be emailed a secure appointment link 3 days before our session. Please use that link to join your session 10 minutes before to work out any technical challenges.
Please arrive early for your appointment, sessions cannot be extended due to tardiness.
Our current new patient intake sessions are a minimum of 4 weeks out. Thank you for your understanding.
Warrior Bride Ministries provides prayer ministry and deliverance ministry based on biblical belief and is not recognized by the secular field of psychology as a method for change or as a resolution of psychological problems. Warrior Bride Ministries uses prayer ministers with experience in deliverance and inner healing as guided by the Holy Spirit and makes no guarantees that you will or will not receive any particular healing. By requesting an appointment, you are waiving all rights to claims of liability and acknowledging that you have been informed that Warrior Bride Ministries prayer ministers are not licensed counselors. If you take a step of faith to seek deliverance, you may terminate the session at any time without penalty.
Existing Client Instructions
You MUST use a computer to complete your forms. At the top of your page click forms and complete your intake form. DO NOT fill the form out on your phone as it will not save. If this appointment is for a minor, do not complete the forms in your portal as specific ones will be sent for children.
When completing your intake form, if you are unable to save it, please scroll up and look for fields highlighted in red. They must be completed before your form can be submitted.
Please note all appointments are in Eastern Standard Time and calculate your time zone accordingly.
You will receive a text confirmation 2 days before your appointment, please make sure to confirm so your appointment is not given to someone on our waiting list. Your intake paperwork must be completed 2 days before your initial appointment, or you will be rescheduled.
After 2 no-show appointments, you will be required to give a $25 deposit to hold your appointment slot.
For all online appointments you will be emailed a secure appointment link 3 days before our session. Please use that link to join your session 10 minutes before to work out any technical challenges.
Please arrive early for your appointment, sessions cannot be extended due to tardiness.