Providing biblical rehabilitation and restoration services to survivors of trafficking and childhood exploitation
Warrior Bride Ministries (WBM) provides online and in-person biblical rehabilitation and restoration services to survivors of childhood exploitation. WBM specializes in the healing and recovery process of those with severe trauma histories including, but not limited to, childhood sexual exploitation, sex trafficking, and ritual abuse.
Mission: Operation Free the Captives WBM partners with safe houses to come alongside of survivors to support their mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual healing journey. Being rescued and finding stabilization in a safe house are vital first steps on the healing journey. Once survivors are stabilized, WBM helps walk them through the aftermath by helping them process the trauma and step into their future as overcomers.
Serving men, women, and children, WBM believes that each individual’s journey is unique. Person-centered, trauma-informed healing modalities address the aftermath of trauma on the mind, body, spirit, and soul. WBM specializes in serving clients with dissociative identity disorder (DID) who experienced severe ongoing trauma in early childhood and need longer-term support. Additionally, WBM provides conferences, training, and ongoing support for staff and support teams for a comprehensive healing outcome.
“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the LORD has anointed and commissioned me to bring good news to the humble and afflicted; He has sent me to bind up [the wounds of] the brokenhearted, to proclaim release [from confinement and condemnation] to the [physical and spiritual] captives and freedom to prisoners.” Isaiah 61:1 AMP
Over an estimated 40 million people are oppressed from human trafficking including the sexual exploitation of children. Because child sexual abuse is by its very nature secretive, survivors suffer great psychological, emotional, and physical pain that is often concealed into adulthood with only 1 in 10 ever disclosing their trauma.
Trafficking has been brought to the world’s attention, yet the realities of today’s circumstances have never been more daunting. Physically rescuing a child is only the beginning of healing. As there are few laborers, safe houses typically offer short-term stabilization and lack needed support and specialized education opportunities for their team. However, safe houses have a tremendous opportunity to impact and bring healing. WBM’s expertise in fostering an environment that focuses on restoration through building a new identity after ritual abuse equips safe houses to identify and incorporate cost-effective, practical tools that build a foundation during the stabilization stage that survivors will pull strength from for years to come.
In addition to inconsistencies of care due to the lack of housing stability and equipped professionals, the continuous risk of re-exploitation from the very systems that are supposed to help survivors is entirely unacceptable. Breaking free from a mental, emotional, and spiritual prison caused by complex trauma cannot be plagued by the ongoing threat of disruption.
Moreover, most churches and ministries, as well as many anti-trafficking facilities have exhausted their resources and come to the realization that more in-depth educational training and trauma-informed modalities are needed to care for those who need help the most. Many who have a heart to help survivors have sought out resources only to discover that there are very few available and the investment is out of their financial reach or the waiting list is too long.
Helping those with trauma-based mind control and ritual abuse requires specialized knowledge and training. To be ill-equipped while serving this population often causes secondary trauma to both the survivor and the helper. Too often, helpers with the best of intentions end up doing more damage than good, and it can result in survivors ending up back in the hands of those who harmed them, having their programming flood them, or becoming suicidal.
Most in the anti-trafficking world are beginning to realize that a large majority of trafficked survivors have all had some form of ritual abuse. These survivors need specialized healing modalities and a reliable continuum of care to avoid re-exploitation. This is where WBM sees the Lord calling many ministries in this field to unite as the body of Christ. WBM appreciates every ministry, and every staff member is important. We need each other!
This is a clarion call for Safe House ministries to partner together with Warrior Bride Ministries to utilize our collective expertise and provide a new and improved path to healing. Partnering with WBM will unite you with a team experienced in working with ritually abused survivors. Through much prayer and “boots on the ground” work, the Lord has revealed the blueprints to His battle plan to heal the brokenhearted and set the captives free from the deeply held secrets embedded in programmed survivors. With your rescue and safe house expertise and WBM’s knowledge of ritual abuse and programming, survivors can experience comprehensive holistic recovery and restoration services. Join us in the call to unite to heal the sick and brokenhearted, free those held in spiritual bondage, and FREE THE CAPTIVES! (Isaiah 61:1, Psalm 147:3)
I am eager to design a program that empowers your residents and equips your staff with essential skills. I invite you to schedule a meeting to discuss your needs and explore how our services can make a positive difference in your safe house community.
Together, we can create a haven of healing, growth, and resilience for those seeking refuge and support. Let's empower residents on their journey and equip staff with the tools to guide them effectively. Join us in building a brighter and hopeful future for those you serve.